How cats are good for your wellbeing

Tuesday August 8 was international cat day, and it may come as no surprise that your furry feline bundle of fur is good for your physical, physiological and mental health. In fact scientific studies show that cats have a calming, relaxed effect on your wellbeing. Cat lovers will understand how the feeling of soft fur … Continue reading How cats are good for your wellbeing

Why it is important to take time out just for you

Self care is not being selfish. Everyone needs to prioritise their wellbeing otherwise they will eventually burn out. That is why a timeout is important. A time to reset, refresh and rejuvenate from life’s stressors. It is like hitting the reset button and starting again. No matter how busy you think you are, take a … Continue reading Why it is important to take time out just for you

Are you really RU Okay?

It is RU Okay day on Thursday. A day where people check in with each other and sure each other are okay. However, don’t make your check in feel like an obligation. If someone is not feeling okay take a moment to stop and genuinely listen. It doesn’t cost much to take ten minutes to … Continue reading Are you really RU Okay?

How can I prevent burnout?

As you are aware, when your stress response is prolonged it can lead you into the dangerous territory of burnout. Once burnout strikes it is often hard to make a full recovery. This week's short post provides six simple steps which you can adopt to help you on the path back to relaxation and happiness. … Continue reading How can I prevent burnout?

How your stressors lead you towards burnout

Your health and wellbeing are key to you living a long, healthy and energetic life. But the pressures of your daily life can often come between you and your happiness. Learn more about how understanding your stressors can help you avoid burnout in this week's video blog. Management of your own self-care is important. It … Continue reading How your stressors lead you towards burnout

Fatigue: On the Road to Burnout

Fatigue is more than just feeling tired and drowsy. It can be described as a state of mental and physical exhaustion which impacts on your ability to be effective at work, home or socially. Fatigue happens when you do too much without getting enough proper rest. It is your body’s way of communicating that you … Continue reading Fatigue: On the Road to Burnout

Are you at risk of burnout?

Not everyone will realise they are on the brink of burnout until it is too late. You may think working those extra hours to achieve a last minute deadline is normal, but what it is doing is pushing you closer and closer to your breaking point. When you think of burnout, what springs to mind? … Continue reading Are you at risk of burnout?

Burnout – The Silent Killer

Stress and burnout have been normalised as: `Okay, so you’re tired. I am, too. Suck it up and get on with the job’. But there are jobs where burnout can equal death. The Japanese even have a word for it `karoshi’, meaning death by overwork. Burnout can defined by the following symptoms: extreme exhaustion, decreased … Continue reading Burnout – The Silent Killer