Building self-trust: part seven – Listening to your body’s wisdom

Welcome to the next chapter of your journey towards building self-trust. This week, we’re diving into the powerful practice of checking in and tuning into your body – a valuable tool for making decisions with confidence and clarity.

For those of you who tend to overthink decisions, relying solely on your analytical brains may lead to confusion and doubt. But your body possesses a wisdom that goes beyond logic and reasoning. By pausing to listen to what your body is telling you, then you can tap into a deeper understanding of your true desires.

When you bypass the chatter of your thinking mind and tune into your body, a greater wisdom emerges. Your body instinctively knows what you truly want, and it does not lie to you. Learning to trust those inner cues can lead to better decision-making and a greater sense of self-trust.

If you’re new to this practice, it may take some time to become comfortable tuning into your inner body wisdom.

Start by finding a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed and allow yourself to settle into a comfortable position.  Take a few deep breaths to centre yourself and bring your awareness to your body. Begin by noticing any sensations or feelings present in your body, from your head down to your toes. Allow yourself to listen to your body’s inner voice and ask yourself a series of questions:

  • How is my body feeling today?
  • What do I need right now?
  • What do I need to let go of?
  • How does my body feel when I think about making this decision?
  • What does this feeling tell me?
  • Does it bring me joy?

As you practice tuning into your body’s wisdom, you’ll start to notice subtle cues and signals that align with your true desires. These insights will guide you towards decisions that resonate with your purpose, your values and serve your highest good.

Remember, this is a daily practice, and it’s okay if you don’t get it perfect every time. The more you tune into your body and listen to its wisdom, the more you’ll trust yourself to make decisions that align with your authentic self.

Stay tuned for the final instalment in our series, where we’ll wrap up our journey towards building self-trust.. Until then, remember to prioritise your energy, invest in your wellbeing, and trust yourself to make decisions that serve your highest good. Your journey towards self-trust continues.

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